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Career in Acting and Modeling : career after !0+2

Introduction These job profiles bring vivid images of glitz, glamour and fame. Successful professionals associated with these profiles are constantly spending their working hours under the proverbial limelight. Did you guess what professional roles we are talking about here? Here is another hint. What’s more, these career options are considered the most sought after professions by the youth in our country these days. A good break in either of these professions is not only a dream come true but it can also raise your status to that of a social icon. Your name and fame will cross international boundaries. Yes, you guessed it right! We are talking about acting and modelling. Acting: Though Bollywood, the Mecca of the Indian film industry, is considered the ultimate goal of the upcoming actors, you can kick start your career in acting by getting a break on TV channels. These channels are growing in numbers and exploding with mega serials, reality shows, game shows and various co...