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physiotherapist लेबल वाली पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

Career in Physical Theraphy : after 10+2

Introduction The history of Physiotherapy or Physical Therapy can be traced back to ancient Greece in the era of Hippocrates. Considered one of the oldest methods to cure various physical ailments, physiotherapy has evolved from simple massage to a complex assortment of therapies - now, it has multiple and specialized applications. Making a career in Physiotherapy is a wise decision as the scope it covers is widening up and expected to offer numerous job options. Considered as an allied health professional service, physiotherapy has a vast range of career options to choose. People can either work in India or go abroad and flourish their career in physiotherapy. Whereas a course in India costs just a faction of the USA or UK , earning potential is immense for the professional. A well-rounded graduate in physiotherapy with be the relevant and reputable qualifications from top notch institute however has better chances for jobs in comparison with others. Step-by-S...